Obtains investment exposure by investing in the Nikko AM Global Equity Multi-Manager Hedged Fund
A multi-manager global equity strategy, managed by a specialist team based in Sydney and Melbourne. Investment personnel from Yarra Capital Management in Australia and Nikko AM New Zealand are responsible for the ongoing monitoring of all underlying investment managers.
The investment strategy is based upon bottom-up stock picking. In order to achieve high performance outcomes in a risk controlled manner, the approach is to outsource the stock picking to a range of exceptional international investment managers.
Although the underlying managers follow their own investment ethos, they are blended in such a way as to target superior risk-adjusted returns.
The underlying managers have excellent long-term track records and a demonstrated ability to consistently perform throughout the investment cycle.
The current international investment managers are:
- WCM Investment Management
- Nikko Asset Management Europe
- Royal London Asset Management
- JP Morgan Asset Management
To construct a portfolio of permitted investments that outperform the Fund's benchmark return by 3.0% per annum over a rolling three year period before fees, expenses and taxes.
MSCI All Countries World Index (net dividends reinvested) 139% gross hedged to NZD
Hedging policy
Foreign currency exposures created as a consequence of capital markets investments are gross hedged at 100% to NZD with a permitted operational hedging range of 95% to 105%.