Obtains investment exposure by investing in the Nikko AM Wholesale ARK Disruptive Innovation Fund

The Nikko AM ARK Global Disruptive Innovation Fund gains exposure to global equities that are relevant to the investment theme of disruptive innovation by investing in the Nikko AM ARK Disruptive Innovation Fund (Underlying Fund), a sub-fund of the Nikko AM Global Umbrella Fund. The Underlying Fund is an open-ended investment company established under Luxembourg law as a ‘société d’investissement à capital variable’ (SICAV).

ARK Investment Management LLC (ARK), a strategic partner of the Nikko AM Group, is the sub-adviser for this strategy.

ARK’s investment philosophy

ARK believes that innovation is key to growth. ARK seeks to capture long-term outperformance and capital appreciation created by disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation is the introduction of a technologically enabled product or service that changes an industry landscape by creating simplicity and accessibility, while driving down costs. ARK believes disruptive innovation is key to long-term growth of company revenues and profits. ARK invests in equity securities of companies that are relevant to the investment theme of disruptive innovation.

Rooted in over 40 years of experience, ARK aim to identify large-scale investment opportunities resulting from technological innovations such as robotics, big data, machine learning, blockchain technology, cloud computing, energy storage, and DNA sequencing.

ARK’s investment approach

ARK focuses solely on investing in disruptive innovation. Despite its potential, ARK believes the full magnitude of disruptive innovation and the investment opportunities it creates are often unrecognised or misunderstood by traditional investors. ARK researches across sectors, industries, and markets to gain a deeper understanding of the convergence and market potential of disruptive innovations. ARK believes that its consistent investment process and active management of high-conviction portfolios capitalises on rapid change and avoids industries and companies likely to be displaced by innovation.

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